Baby's Best Chance
Location: Fort St. John
Who Is This Program For?
The Baby’s Best Chance program provides services for pregnant and postnatal individuals with day-to-day information about pregnancy and early stages of motherhood. Join us to Learn about pregnancy; including nutrition, how to prepare for birth, post-delivery education, newborn care, how to make healthy choices for self and baby and access support during your pregnancy and postnatal journeys!
The program is FREE to access for pregnant individuals and their infants up to 6 months of age. For more information or to register please contact our BBC Coordinator.
What Services Are Provided?
- Weekly group, provides a healthy snack, presenters, information, and fun activities
- Transportation can be provided
- A free program that will help meet your needs during pregnancy and after-delivery (up to 6 months)
- Relaxed and friendly place to ask questions
- Referrals and support
- Prenatal/Postpartum education
- Breast-feeding support
- Prenatal Vitamins
- Food Vouchers
- Videos, books, and resources
- After delivery support for six months
What Are the Program Goals?
- A healthy baby
- A healthy mother
Who Provides the Services?
- A Program Coordinator
- Pregnancy Outreach Worker
We Will Help You:
- Learn all about pregnancy
- Plan healthy food choices
- Learn about nutrition
- Cut-back /or stop smoking
- Reduce/ stop using alcohol and drugs
- Prepare for birth of your baby
- Prepare to breastfeed your baby
- Learn about your new baby’s growth and development
- Adjust to parenthood and life with a newborn
- Find out about other community, cultural, and health resources
The Program Coordinator.
The Baby's Best Chance program is located at:
Community Bridge
10142 - 101st Avenue,
Fort St. John, BC

This program has been made possible by financial contribution from Public Health Agency of Canada, in agreement with the Province of British Columbia. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the official policy of Health Canada.