Women's Counselling Program
Location: Fort St. John
Who Is This Program For?
This program is for women who have experienced any form of sexual assault, abuse in relationships, childhood abuse and/or childhood violence.
What Services Are Provided?
- Individual & Group Counselling
- Support Groups & Referral Services
What is Relationship Abuse?
The easiest forms of abuse for us to recognize are physical and sexual abuse; however, women can be abused in other ways that can be just as frightening and damaging to their sense of self. Examples of other abusive behaviors are:
- Using threats and intimidation: making or carrying out threats to do something to hurt you; making you afraid by using looks, actions, gestures, smashing things, abusing pets, displaying weapons.
- Using emotional abuse: putting you down; making you feel bad about yourself; humiliating you.
- Using isolation: controlling what you do, who you see and talk to, what you read, where you go; using jealousy to justify actions.
- Minimizing, denying and blaming: saying you are responsible for the abuse; making light of the abuse and not taking your concerns about it seriously.
- Using the children: saying he will take the children if you leave.
- Using male privilege: treating you like a servant; acting like the “master of the castle”.
- Using economic abuse: preventing you from getting or keeping a job; making you ask for money; taking your pay cheque; withholding money from you so that you have no food or cannot get necessary medical treatment.
No one deserves to be abused!
The Effects of Abuse
If you have been a victim of abuse you may be feeling:
- Isolated; separated from family and friends.
- Shame; unable to talk with others about what is happening in your life or home.
- Depressed; unable to sleep, eat or function as you normally would.
- Helpless; the situation is out of control.
- Fearful for yourself or children.
- As though what is happening is your fault.
For further information or to access this program, contact the Women's Counsellor.
The Women's Counselling Program is offered through:
Community Bridge
10142 - 101st Avenue,
Fort St. John, BC

This program has been made possible through assistance from the British Columbia Ministry of Justice.