Baby's Best Chance Diaper Drive!
October 16th - 27th, 2023
Baby’s Best Chance Outreach Program Diaper Drive!
October 16th- 27th, 2023.
Community Bridge's Baby's Best Chance Program is seeking diaper donations for clients in need, vulnerable families and emergency situations. A tremendous thank-you to Fort Motors for their unwavering support to the program and yet again becoming a proud designated drop off location for the drive.
We are seeking unopened boxes or packages of diapers size Newborn - 3.
The Baby's Best Chance program is free and provides a place for moms and infants (up to 6 months of age) to learn, grow and meet other moms while covering topics that include pregnancy, birth, parenting and everything in between. The program offers individual, developmental and nutritional support in weekly groups and outreach supports.
For more information about the diaper dive OR for information about Baby's Best Chance and how to register please connect with our coordinator at 250-785-6021 Ext. 251. Group is on-going, and you can join ANYTIME!