A tremendous thank-you to Home Hardware for their incredible $5421.04 donation!

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Last week Home Hardware loaded a vehicle full with an amazing amount of formula, diapers, wipes, clothing, blankets, baby keep-sake memorabilia and more! We were greeted by a handful of smiling employees who were just as excited to show us their gatherings as we were to receive them. Among the donations were beautiful handmade baby blankets and receiving blankets that came from amazing supporters in the lower mainland, and proved how widespread the generosity of our community can be. This donation could not have happened without the generous support from all those at Home Hardware and by our community! No words can truly describe how incredibly grateful we are for the unwavering support that Home Hardware grants our Baby’s Best Chance Program. Thank you to everyone who rallied together to make this fundraiser such a success!

Board & Staff of Community Bridge.

PHOTO/VIDEO/ARTICLE CREDIT: Home Hardware & Community Bridge Staff

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